Teaching Art Online: Getting Your Passive Revenue Stream Started
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Featured Member: Christine Mathews

Each week we are going to give a little shoutout to a particular member who we notice really putting in the effort to implement our strategies, support one another, and take the brave steps to growing their businesses!

This week Member, Christine Mathews (CMBear) caught our attention through her eagerness to help new Members discover all that our community and programs have to offer.

When we asked for testimonials about current Member experiences with The Studio Source, Christine was so open to sharing her feedback with us and it was such an inspiration to us to hear how helpful our program has been to her development as an artist. Christine's willingness to give back to others by sharing her experience encapsulates the genuine warmth, deep confidence, and meaningful sense of community that is so important to us here in The Studio Source. 

After receiving Christine's inspiring video testimonial we spent some time on her Instagram feed, objectively reviewing the growth and cohesion she has achieved through her months with us. The change is SO noticeable! Her feed was colorful, and uplifting before, but now her feed showcases her work with professionalism, intention, and connects the viewer with her as an artist in a deeper way.

Thank you Christine for sharing your story with us and our new members! And congratulations on all of the well deserved growth in your feed!

Follow Christine's inspiring instagram feed here!
